Mulco's gutter waterproof sealant is formulated to be used outdoors for sealing PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and aluminum gutter joints.
Gutter Sealant
Waterproofs joints of gutters and drainpipes

Gutter Sealant
Gutter Sealant

Product Number: 150
Product Number: 150
Gutter Seal
Gutter Seal is a thermoplastic, architectural, one-component sealing compound which dries by solvent evaporation.
Waterproofs joints of gutters and drainpipes
Excellent adhesion to construction surfaces
Adheres to wet or dry surfaces
For exterior use
Available size: 300 mL
Choice of 2 colours: Clear (150 000) and White (150 010)

Product Properties
Gutter Seal
Mulco's Gutter Seal can be applied either in winter or in summer, but to make its use easier, the product must be at a temperature higher than 5°C (40°F).
Gutter Seal does not require priming on most building materials, including:
galvanized steel
natural, painted or anodised aluminum
concrete (28 days old)
painted or stained surfaces including wood, vinyl (PVC) and many common building materials